CS2 Android Data Privacy
astragon Privacy Policy for mobile applications
Thank you for your interest in our products and welcome to our Privacy Policy! Our company
is astragon Entertainment GmbH, Am Wehrhahn 33, D-40211 Düsseldorf, hereinafter called
. What is this all about?
In the following we would like to explain you briefly astragon´s attitude towards data
protection, how we protect your data and what consequences derive from using our programs.
We understand the importance of protecting your privacy. Therefore, it´s common practice for
us to comply with statutory provisions for data protection. Additionally it is also important to
part of the EULA. To make sure that we are all talking about the same issues we like to define
a few terms. astragon is subject to the German Federal Data Protection Act. Personal data
includes items of information about the personal or material circumstances of a specific or
specifiable individual. In other "non-legal" words: Personal data is all and any information
which makes you personally identifiable, such as address, name, phone numbers, etc.. All
other data which cannot be used for identifying you is NOT personal data! Collection of data
is the acquisition of data in respect to this specific person. Storage of data is gathering,
recording and storing of personal data on a medium for the purpose of further processing or
use. Data processing includes storing, changing, transferring, blocking and deleting of
personal data.
. When, how and why is data collected?
astragon itself does not store and process any data which might identify you as an individual
customer! We do not want to disturb your privacy. astragon is only interested in aggregated
information helping us to continuously improve the quality of our games and to adapt them to
the requirements of the customers. For this purpose we use services of third-party providers.
Which providers support us in case of your App, can be viewed under item 3. In the case that
you use a software version which allows the displaying of advertisements of products of
foreign companies, we use other services from third-party providers. Which providers support
us in case of your App, can be viewed under item 4. (Only in case of such software versions!)
those third-party providers display advertisements of their own customers into the astragon
product you are using. We have no influence on the personal data required for this purpose.
To be able to use our app, you need to download them first. During the download data are
being collected, stored and processed by the respective platform such as Apple iTunes,
Google Play Store or the Microsoft Store. To find out, which platform applies to you, please
see item 6. We have no influence on this data collection.
. How, by whom and when will data be collected for quality assurance?
As we have declared before, astragon is only interested in aggregated information helping us
to keep improving the quality of our games and to adapt them to the requirements of the
customers. For this purpose we use services of third-party providers. The data collected are
only in anonymous form available to astragon! They are stored for the duration of the